Saturday, January 11, 2020

Day 34 - Testing 1-Rep Maxes

I decided to see where my 1-rep maxes were after a few months of training while losing weight. I knew I would be weaker, but I was still a little disappointed in the results:

Squat: 365 pounds
Press: 165 pounds
Deadlift: 375 pounds
Bench Press: 265 pounds

The weight leaned a little to the left on the squat. Since I don't have a good power rack, I didn't want to push it and further and risk getting stuck under the bar without a spotter. My previous max was 430 pounds using a high-bar technique.

The press felt really heavy at a weight much lighter than what I used to push up. My previous best was 185 pounds.

The deadlift moved fairly quickly, but I was lightheaded and saw stars afterwards. For those reasons, I stopped at 375 pounds. My previous best was in the low 400s.

With the bench press, 275 pounds just wouldn't budge! My previous best was 290 pounds.

While I am happy that I've lost weight and that I've moving better on the basketball court, I wish it hadn't been at the expense of so much strength. Here are the goals I've set and listed in a previous blog: 

  • Squat 450 pounds
  • Deadlift 450 pounds
  • Press 185 pounds
  • Bench Press 305 pounds

I still want to reach these goals. For this reason, I'm going to adjust my training starting Monday. 

Wednesday, January 8, 2020

Day 33

Pause Squat: 255 pounds 3x5, RPE 8
Bench Press:  215 pounds 3x5, RPE 9
Barbell Row: 195 pounds 3x5, RPE 8

Legs felt pretty good. Arms felt more like jelly.

Monday, January 6, 2020

Day 32 - Down a belt hole and deadlifting better

Workout B

  • Pause squat: 250 3x5, RPE 6
  • Press: 140 punds 3x5, RPE 9.5
  • Deadlift: 325 pounds 1x5, RPE 7
Well, I was trying to perform 3-second tempo squats with a pause at the bottom, but my descent was more around 2 seconds. I'll try to slow it down in the future. 
The press was hard, but it didn't look too hard on the video. The video definitely helps me see that the weight moved fairly easily should give me some confidence the next time I press. 
The deadlift is moving pretty easily right now. I just need to embrace the grind and expect every rep to feel difficult even if they move quickly. 

My waist has also shrunk down to what it was 7-8 years ago! I no longer need the larger belt!

Saturday, January 4, 2020

Day 31 - Switching to Tempo Squats

Workout A

  • Tempo Squats (pause at the bottom): 245 pounds 3x5 - RPE 5
  • Bench Press: 210 pounds 3x5 - RPE 9
  • Barbell Row: 190 pounds 3x5 - RPE 8
I performed tempo squats with a 3 second eccentric (downward) phase, 1 second pause during the isometric phase (at the bottom), and an explosive concentric phase (moving as fast as I could with good form). Even with the slower eccentric phase and pause at the bottom, these were way easier than box squats. I may start adding more than 5 pounds each session for a little while because of how easy this is feeling. 
Here is a video on tempo squats: 

I struggled on the bench press. I decided to mimic the tempo for my squats and it was hard moving the weight off my chest. 
Again, RPE 8 on barbell rows.

My weight is now down to 210 pounds. That is about 25 pounds down from where I started months ago. Of course, I am expecting to struggle adding weight to the bar if I keep losing weight, but I am moving around the basketball court a whole lot more easily than I was before. 

Wednesday, January 1, 2020

Day 30 - Last Day for Box Squats..and Happy New Year!

Workout B:

  • Box squat: 240 pounds 3x5 - RPE 7
  • Press: 135 pounds 3x5 - RPE 9
  • Deadlift: 315 pounds - RPE 7
This will be my last day using box squats. I'm going to switch to tempo squats with a pause at the bottom. When I box squat, I feel like I lean back a little too much because the I'm trying to partially sit on a box. So, I am going to try tempo squats with a pause at the bottom to help me keep the bar over the midfoot while the slower tempo on the eccentric phase will cause me to keep good form like the box squat did. 
I was pretty tired and the press was a grind. 
The deadlift didn't feel too bad today. 

Monday, December 30, 2019

Day 29

Workout A:

  • Box squat: 235 pounds 3x5 - RPE 7
  • Bench Press: 205 pounds 3x5 - RPE 6
  • Barbell Row: 185 pounds 3x5 - deload due to elbow injury - RPE 8
Box squats are difficult! They have definitely helped me correct some form issues in only a couple of training sessions, but they are hard!
The bench press moved really easily today and my elbow is only feeling a little stiff right now. 
Barbell rows seem to move at a RPE of 8 no matter how much weight I use. 
I'm working late shifts this week, so we'll see how this effects my training. 

Saturday, December 28, 2019

Day 28 - Staying with Box Squats

Workout B

  • Box Squat: 230 pounds 3x5 - RPE 6
  • Press: 130 pounds 3x5 - deload due to elbow injury - RPE 7
  • Deadlift: 310 pounds 1x5 - RPE 8
On my first set of box squats, I was definitely leaning to the left. This was corrected by the third set. I deloaded the press because of my elbow. The deadlift is still progressing, but I feel like I'm struggling more than I should with this amount of weight. At least it isn't stalling like it did the last time I was around this same amount of weight.